Alabama Youth in Government- My Favorite Time of Year!
by: Ava Donaldson, class of 2024
The 2023-24 Youth Judicial “Top Team” Award- STJ!
2024 Scholarship Recipients. I was honored to be presented with the Bill Barringer Memorial Scholarship.
One of my favorite things that I have had the privilege to be a part of in my many years at Saint James is ALYIG. Alabama Youth in Government is a program run through the YMCA where students from all across the state participate in mock trials and debate legislation. I initially got involved with the program in seventh grade with their Junior Youth Legislator, little did I know that it would become my favorite time of the year. Flash forward to my freshman year where I joined a team of seven other freshmen where we competed in a mock trial on zoom for the first time. Although we did not win any of our three rounds of debate, fellow senior Will Alexander and I promised we would qualify for nationals by our senior year. This first year on a glitchy zoom call is where I first met some of the people I would soon call my best friends. Throughout the next four years I made sure I was at every youth in government event. Youth Judicial in November, Youth Legislator in February, and Youth in the City in April, I was at all of them! Year after year my public speaking skills improved tremendously and I became incredibly outgoing. These conferences were what I looked forward to every year because I got to see all of my friends and we could reminisce about all of our terrible speeches and the many times “decorum!” was yelled through the speakers. Aside from all of the unserious and funny moments of these conferences, my ever-changing Youth Judicial team became one to beat at state. In my final year myself along with seniors Will Alexander, Alex Ruona, Carter Miller, Jordan Rossell, Jaden Rossell, Madison Walton, and sophomore Micheal Phan we finally achieved what we had worked so hard for: nationals. This upcoming July we will take on the National Youth Judicial competition in Minnesota. I am so incredibly grateful to my teachers that have helped me throughout my years and all of my friends I made along the way. #wearesaintjamesschool