Circle Your Wagons on the Oregon Trail
Quilt squares depicted scenes from the “Oregon Trail” journey
by: Olivia Patrick, class of 2026
After learning about the Oregon Trail and the Gold Rush, Mrs. Hughes introduced the game The Oregon Trail to the junior history classes! Each class period had around 5 “wagons” with 3-4 “wagon riders” that were given a certain amount of money to decide on what supplies they would need. They would consider which wagon they wanted, the amount of food they would need to survive the 6-month journey, and which weapons and tools would be useful, all while staying under budget. Students would then roll dice to see which scenario, defined in Mrs.Hughes’s slideshow, applied to their wagon. The wagons could encounter hostile enemies, rabid animals, treacherous storms, and deadly
diseases that would impact their journey. One of my favorite aspects about playing the game was that everything was left up to chance. At the end of the game, some wagons survived with hardly any issues in their journey, while others had completely lost all wagon members. A few days later, students were asked to color in a quilt square that described their journey on the Oregon Trail. They created symbols with definitions that represented the events they encountered. Mrs. Hughes then judged the quilt squares and put the best ones in the hallway to create one big quilt! Overall, this was such a fun way to interact with history and help us to understand the hardship that pioneers went through to form our great country. #wearesaintjamesschool