It's Not Easy Being Green
Today, while all of campus glistened with green for St. Patrick’s Day, a certain green was less celebratory. Mrs. Wingard’s 7th grade life science class ended their vertebrate anatomy unit with a hands-on lab: frog dissection. First, students labeled the external and internal anatomy of their subject and identified characteristics of vertebrates. Then, they carefully opened the body cavity of the frog and studied the organs and tissue inside. Students participating via VRL (virtual remote learning) didn’t miss out on the lab, as they were able to follow along using Frogipedia. Frogipedia is an interactive learning app that demonstrates highly realistic augmented reality. What a day to be green!
Screen shots from Mrs. Wingard’s live class, using the Frogipedia learning app.
“The app does a great job of explaining what the class is seeing. While we can’t replace the in-person experience, this is a close second.”
“Dissection lets us understnad the lesson better... and it is fun!”